Celebrating Hope (Easter Sunday)

Chris's family Easter 2010 016

Celebrating Hope

we gather believing

life is more

than just this molded

clay shell we all live in


Watching the sunrise

we live, believing

that by grace we too will rise

beyond this physical

life of decay

into eternal transformation

spiritual oneness

with God,

our creator,

Our Risen Lord!


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Reach for the Light


Living in the shade of darkness

trees reach for the light

following the sun

until it reclines on the edge of the world

knowing that without light

 life quickly fades 


My soul rises toward the light

In a world filled with darkness

evil presses in to overwhelm us

seeking to divide and destroy

Let your spirit rise with mine

Reach for the Son

the source of Light and Life

Always shining… never hiding

Spirit touching spirit

Spirit becoming Light

Reflecting the Light of God’s Love in us


Photo: Dwight L. Roth






Christmas Poems: Piercing the Darkness


                           Piercing the Darkness – Theological Implications 

John 1:14 “ And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”  NKJV


Jesus the light that pierces the darkness

brings light and life to all mankind with

hope for a world filled with darkness and oppression


The birth of Jesus carries with it the anticipation

of his future suffering and death on the cross


The veil in the temple splits in two, from top to bottom,

symbolically giving all of us access to the Holy of Holies

and a direct personal relationship by faith to God


Jesus is born in the usual way…

not with a halo or supernatural appearance,

but most likely in a stable, built against a hillside,

and laid in a stone manger


Mary, in awe of her new baby, reflects on

what the angel told her he would become…


John tells us:

“The Word made flesh who will dwell among us…

full of Grace and Truth…”


Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Holy Roller or Rolling in Holy Dough

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A holy shift from a vow of poverty

to riding in holy luxury.

As coffers fill with holy dough

Temptation entices as offerings flow.

Convincing oneself it is not excess

Just God’s servant, truly blessed…

from the Lord Most High

Never asking why



Photo: Dwight L. Roth

As the seasons shift from Winter to Spring, today at d’Verse, Mish asked us to write a poem (a 44 word Quadrille) using any form of the word shift. This afternoon, as I was waiting at a stop light, the car in front of me had a most interesting license plate. It brought all kinds of thoughts to mind as I pondered what it might mean for the driver of the car. There are many Christians who believe in what is known as the “Prosperity Gospel” and probably just as many who see it as contradiction to what Jesus taught. ( WWJD) I took the liberty to pass a little judgement of my own here. What do you think? (Perhaps I should not cast the first stone!)

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com


IChristmas painting 2014 (3)

Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, Unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.


Painting “Piercing the Darkness” 2014 – Dwight L. Roth



Faith… Belief in an Impossible Truth (an opinion piece)

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How do Faith and Truth fit together?”

Every culture has a religious element that believes they have the Truth! We know that this cannot be possible so how do we explain Faith and Religious Truth.

I believe Faith is belief in a seemingly impossible Truth! By this I mean that though we might try to logically explain or defend our beliefs, there are elements that do not fit logic and are totally dependent on Faith. As we enter the Christmas Season this become very evident in our celebrations. The concept of God becoming man through an immaculate conception, the belief that Jesus is the Messiah the savior of the world, the shepherds receiving the birth announcement from an angel choir, the wise men (astrologers) from the East who saw a bright star and followed it to find the baby who was to become King. And then the miracles throughout the life of Jesus, his death, burial and resurrection are all things Christians believe to be their understanding of Truth! Even belief that the Bible itself is the Word of God is based on Faith in a seemingly impossible truth. 

Impossible Truths

Accepted, believed by Faith

Words to live by


Faith: Belief in an impossible Truth

Love should bind us together

Without Love our Truth really is impossible


Cologne Cathedral Photo: Dwight L. Roth



Light in the Darkness

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Reach for the Light

Trees reach for the light

Following the sun

As it reclines on the edge of the world

Knowing that without light

There is no life

In a world filled with darkness

My soul rises toward the light

Evil presses in to overwhelm me

Terrors of darkness distract

Let your spirit rise with mine

Reach for the (sun)/son

An example for everyone to follow

Source of Light and Life

Always shining never hiding

Spirit touching spirit

Reflecting the Light of God’s Love

My escape

From the eternal darkness around me

Towers of Babel


How quickly time covers

structures once thought permanent

lost and forgotten

leaving them now crumbling

as nature swallows them up


Time and nature

having been here before us

will win in the end


As we foolishly

think our towers of babel

will be our answer



Photos: Dwight L. Roth