Stings and Sweetness

“If we want to eat their honey, must we put up with their stings? “

As I was reading Judy Dykstra-Brown’s post, in 2022, I came across this line. I realized that this is true of most relationships as well. Whether it be children or spouse, family or friends, we will have to put up with some stings in order to enjoy the benefits of being together. But in some relationships, you must keep your distance, or you will be stung to death!

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Thorns guard roses

Bees guard their honey

Both must be carefully navigated

To enjoy their sweetness


People are much the same

Sharp tongues guard fragile egos

Clothed in self-confidence

We bring out their sweetness


“If we want to eat (enjoy) their honey, we must put up with their stings,,, “

The Vacant Lot | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown (

Bridge to the Future

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Bridges carry us

forward with expectation

into our future

Lifting us above trouble

Leading to new adventures


Melide Spain Bridge Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Punam gave us a bridge prompt. I chose this bridge that I painted a couple of years ago for my niece Jen, who walked the El Camino in Spain. She kept us posted with photos and narrative of her journey. When she got back, I painted this picture of Melide Bridge for her.

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Sliding into Fall (Haibun Monday)


When we were traveling in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago, the sunsets were gorgeous. The deep colors and long shadows announce the arrival of Fall. I took this photo at a friend’s house in New Holland where we were staying. They have a wonderful location at the bottom of the ridge looking out over neighboring Amish farms with tall corn waiting for harvest. This was our view that evening as the sun was setting across Lancaster County.



Sun volleys between

 Summer days and long Fall nights

All is Love

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting this one for Haibun Monday at d’Verse Poets Pub. Frank asked us to write a prompt pertaining to the Fall Equinox. I revised this one that I posted the other day.

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Lincoln’s Legacy

IMG_0092 Cracker Barrel

During our travels last Fall, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant for lunch. On the wall was a giant portrait photo of President Abraham Lincoln. I thought it was interesting, so I snapped a photo of it. Today as I was looking through my photos, I noticed the person of color sitting right in line with the direction Lincoln was looking. It struck me that without Lincoln taking a stand against the evils of slavery, this would not be possible.

The price of Freedom

Tough choices Lincoln would make

Opinion or Truth


Because of Lincoln

People of every color

Can eat together

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Fun at the Oregon Dairy

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Fall brings fun days at the Oregon Dairy

with harvested pumpkins and a corn maze

A place where children play and adults become weary

winding through the walls of corn pathways

Fall is the place to be at Oregon Dairy

Grandparents sit and watch as grandchildren wave

trying to keep their spirits up and look cheery

But not being as energetic as they were in former days,

a bumpy ride on the hay wagon lets them see the farm clearly

The restaurant seems an even better choice for dried beef gravy

There are many options to choose from at the Oregon Dairy


Click on photo to enlarge:

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Melissa asked us to write a Fold Poem for Fall. This is my attempt at trying to write in this form. Since Melissa lives only a few miles up the road from the Oregon Dairy, I chose this subject for her since she is hosting!

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Copperhead Smashed

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Copperhead snake found smashed

On the edge of the street.

Photo snapped as we

Passed by.

Everyone cringes at the sight

Run over by a car.

Highly venomous creature.

Eats mostly mice and rhodents.

Always be alert.

Don’t ever try to pick one up.


  • Copperheads probably generate more fear, questions and myths than any other species of snake.

    Many humans feel the best copperhead is a dead one. It’s doubtful their opinions would change if they knew 90% of a copperhead’s diet consists of mice and voles; two common rodents that can be nuisances for humans.

  • Today at d’Verse, De Jackson gave us the word smash to use as a prompt for our Monday Quadrille. I decided to do both an Acrostic and a Quadrille (of only 44 words).
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Let’s Dance

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I am posting this for my blogging friend, Karla, at Flannel and Faith, who is going through some very difficult health issues. She is such a great inspiration to all of us. Even though she is getting chemotherapy and is on strong meds, she depends on her faith and family to help her through. In spite of everything she is still pushing herself to get out and enjoy life and her family.

Her latest post is on signs she has come across that help strengthen her resolve. This is a quote I came across a number of years ago when I was having a hard time with things in my life that were not what I hoped they would be. I think it embodies Karla’s attitude toward life, which has been an inspiration to me. Keep the faith, Karla and keep on pressing forward.

This one of my favorite music pieces. Hope you enjoy it.

Check out her blog below:

Sacred Signs


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Mirror images reflect back

False illusions of my safe passage

Wishing can sometimes distort reality

twisting perception

creating mirage visions

seeing only my desired images.

Plunging full speed ahead

toward wishful vistas

floating free

no danger in sight…


crashing head on

into the mirror of illusion.

Stunned and shaken

I gather my senses,

take a second look

shed my false illusions

distinguish true from false…

Move forward with awareness

Comprehending mirage from reality

Knowing the difference


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for d’Verse Open Link Night

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