When I Hear Birds Sing


I sit amazed that each one knows their tune
Always on pitch they sing from morn till noon.
Perhaps birds love singing only one song;
Unending melody //making her swoon.
But how does a bird hatched out of an egg?
Know what tune to sing on their tiny legs?
And why don’t they try another’s sweet song?
Getting mixed up //and from another begs
I think bird melodies are meant to blend.
Like flutes in a symphony // all join in;
With harmonized beauty they sing their song.
Each plays a part // sweet symphony begins

Today we are experimenting with writing rubaiyats with our d’Verse group. Frank is our host and asked us to write one using the one of the forms suggested.
A single ruba’i is a quatrain, a poem of four lines. If there is a collection of more than one quatrain, it is called a rubaiyat, This is what Edward FitzGerald titled his 1859 translation of Omar Khayyam’s quatrains. The pattern can be AABA or AAAA.
I am using the first pattern in my poem.
Come join us at: https://dversepoets.com


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

54 thoughts on “When I Hear Birds Sing

  1. Hey Roth,
    I think this is the third bird rubiayat I have read. Fun
    You use the double slash often, I remember. Not sure it is my favorite (if it matters) — seems stark and in a poem about birds, especially so.
    I love what you are exploring here.
    The “making her swoon” seems awkward — who is the “she” and thought does not flow from previous line for me. Maybe a whole other stanza on the songs being flirtatious etc.

    “beg” seems a bit forced when “borrow” comes to mind so easily.
    I love the sweet symphony idea — though for me, some forests are alarmingly cacophonies. Smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Personally, I think all creation was made to only “sing one song” with the exception of humans: we are given the opportunity to same and think and sing about whatever we want. Far too often we squander this unique gift. (This is my opinion of course)

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  3. This was wonderful Dwight. Great job composing with the 10-syllable line. I love the sounds of birds. I think a mocking bird as well as a mina bird can mimic other birds. Never heard either. I got inspired by this rubaiyat thing and posted two – one dark, one light. Both of mine follow Frost’s 8-syllable line format.

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  4. Reminds me of a photo on Frank Hubeny’s blog called ‘birds minding their own business’ which made me laugh! Guess it’s why they don’t bother about another bird’s song, keeping to their own and happy with it. There’s no jealousy, no wanting what another has. Gotto love ’em! You wrote a very sweet rubayiat.

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  5. Lovely, Dwight. I love the questioning about birds and song–and the thought of them all joining in to sing together. (Do you want to add an s to beg so that it rhymes with legs?)

    Years ago I did just a bit of research on how birds learn to sing for a test-writing project I was working on. It was really interesting. One thing that I remember is that song birds often have dialects or accents, so a New Jersey robin and S. Carolina robin might have different accents just like people do.

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