Royal Flush – (a soliloquy)

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Words draw me to places yet unexplored

Stretched across the page like a mountain full of trees

Some of value tall and strong others just scraggly bushes

What draws me to write incessantly // hours on end

Filling pages with cobwebs of past // present // and future


So many like me write on and on, words unheard // never read

Yet they write, like me;   seems they just can’t help themselves

What magic is in these words // the morphine of the soul

Stimulation like no other is my well written page

Compelling me to keep seeking that one last high


I am an Alzheimer’s poet // words flowing day after day

Yet with no memory tomorrow of what I wrote yesterday

There’s magic in words, shuffling the cards and dealing

A new hand every day… new words, new thoughts written

Perhaps one day soon I’ll be dealt my last hand…


My royal flush

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Victoria asked us to write a soliloquy. It is essentially a poem that has the poet in conversation with himself/herself. Musings and ponderings are heard only by the poet himself/herself. Perhaps it is what we old folks do as we age… talking to ourselves. Today, I am musing about why i continue to write everyday.

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107 thoughts on “Royal Flush – (a soliloquy)

  1. “I am an Alzheimer’s poet // words flowing day after day

    Yet with no memory tomorrow of what I wrote yesterday”

    Hahaha, this is a GREAT way to describe the process. Very beautiful, Dwight!

    Liked by 8 people

  2. As seems to be your usual, you’ve certainly proven to be skilled in invoking a certain sad appreciation from me. The final stanza in particular is my (and many others’) favorite, and though I dislike the emotions stirred up by the reading, I applaud you for the ability to bring it about. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for your heartfelt comments. Yes life seems to be that way, great on one end and sad on the other. You and I were traveling down the same path on this prompt. I do appreciate your comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Gosh, this hits close to home. Poet/Activist/Mentor/Friend, recently went into a community leaving her home, giving me some books. It’s difficult for me because as someone adopted, I imagined her not only a professor, advisor, but as one of my mothers–having many strong women watching out for me, fortunately. And it’s so tough!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. I, for one, am glad you continue to write every day, Dwight! Some powerful musing here, especially the idea of not remembering what you wrote yesterday. This suggests that the act of writing itself is more important that what is written!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Wow! Loved this Dwight! Amazing capture of that feeling we get!! I think these lines say it all –
    “What magic is in these words // the morphine of the soul

    Stimulation like no other is my well written page

    Compelling me to keep seeking that one last high
    Bellissimo, Dwight!!!! Make sure this makes to you “Best of Dwight Roth book”!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Dwight,
    A thoughtful soliloquy, enjoyed your provocative ruminations on what drives you to write, “stimulation like no other is my well written page” — the perennial quest for that “high,” that “royal flush.” Like a gambler, we’re addicted to the game, for its own rewards, aren’t we? Especially the unexpected ones that lead us to new places.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Dora! I never imagined being a writer of any kind. It all evolved slowly over the past years and now is an obsession for me. I love writing. …trying to say something in as few words as possible…. yet including everything necessary. You have assessed this poem very well. I really appreciate your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Cheryl for your interesting comments. Lots of things seem to elude me! I think we need a side drive… sort of like a cochlear implant to help us out… maybe a chip! Ha ha… Dream on…
      Thank you so much!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I identify with much of this beautiful write, Dwight. It is a sentimental journey to read back over things I’ve written years ago….the words that compelled me to set them to paper. We are fortunatte to be able to validate our inner self, even if the words are never seen!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I’m both fortunate and cursed to remember most the thousands of my poetics. I do lament, however, looking back and seeing subjects and phrases I seem to repeat incessantly.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I can relate to this one…I write and write even tho’ no one reads most of what I write. It’s therapy for free 🙂 and it’s a wonderful hobby. 🙂
    Keep writing, Dwight! Every word, thought, message is precious and wonderful to share!
    I’m sure your Royal Flush is a hand of ❤ 's !!! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Pingback: Royal Flush – (a soliloquy) – MobsterTiger

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