Persephone’s Marks

EER_0312 (2)

Trees tell their stories

written with green and red ink.

Leaves of history long forgotten…

as Persephone comes and goes,

get trampled under foot after each season.

But, her promised return

instills a flicker of hope in our hearts.

Each year a ring of life is added…

a library of tales from summers past

when growth was fat or lean…

only told by the rings inside.

Until they die, they remain unseen!!


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Sarah asked us to write a poem from Greek Mythology that included some aspect of Persephone and her comings and goings to Hades in the underworld. The myth is that when she comes she brings spring and summer for six months, but when she goes, everything dies and remains so for six months. I thought trees are a great way to illustrate that by observing their rings.

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62 thoughts on “Persephone’s Marks

  1. So beautiful and haunting, Dwight. I love how you portrayed Persephone throughout this piece.

    “as Persephone comes and goes,
    get trampled under foot after each season.”

    Isn’t that the harsh reality of it? I like that subtle nod to Hades there–that relationship in the myth is beyond vile and unhealthy. It delineated the poor treatment of women by gods who were more like monsters.

    I also really love the photos you used here, they paint such an opposite scene from each other; the beauties of spring, and the darkness of winter with Hades.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. This might be one of my favorites of yours, Dwight. It’s lovely. I like how Persephone is brought in through the story of trees, and the “library of tales” in the rings. Rings themselves–circles and cycles of nature. Beautiful photo, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Persephone’s Marks – MAd Production. Company.

  4. Love this especially; “a library of tales from summers past when growth was fat or lean…only told by the rings inside.” Gorgeous, gorgeous poem, Dwight 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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