Painting the Farm

I have a friend of my family who grew up in my home community in Pennsylvania. When my two brothers and I visited there a couple of years ago, we drove past the farm where her grandfather once lived, and was passed down through the generations. It was still in good condition, although the trees had grown quite large over time. The little white barn and tile silo were still there. On the hill above the farm, sat a little brethren church. Tombstones in the cemetery contained the names of many of her friends and family members. I took a few photos while we were there.

We had a few warmer days the past two weeks that allowed me to paint, so I decided to paint the farm picture and send it to her in Virginia. I had two good shots, one close and one far away. Not being able to decide which one to paint, I decided to paint them both at the same time. This was the first I tried painting two at once. They are on 11 x 14 canvas board. I hope she will enjoy them.

Family farm stories

left in memories long past

Silo stands empty

Painting the Debolt Farm – Dwight L. Roth

69 thoughts on “Painting the Farm

  1. so beautiful and such a treasured gift to send her Dwight!
    Wow, I keep going back and forth!!!!!
    hmmmm maybe the first one but I know I should take the road less traveled the longer one. Showing my age maybe.. get there faster with the quick one. lol

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Such great paintings – and a poem that says a lot with so few words – “silo stands empty.” Also, this puts me in mind of the scenery I will soon be surrounded with in Indiana! Quite an adjustment after Los Angeles

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Beautiful paintings of beautiful memories! I know your friend will cherish your wonderful gift!
    Your paintings evoke emotions for me. My family was all farm families in the mid-west. 🙂
    Hope you shared your wonderful haiku with your friend, too.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Pingback: Painting the Farm — Roth Poetry | Vermont Folk Troth

  5. Pingback: Painting the Farm — Roth Poetry – Self-Care Madness Blog

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