Scottie Dogs

Two little dogs / one white and one black

Childhood entertainment when the service went too long

Carried in my mother’s purse

with Juicy Fruit gum and a silk handkerchief

A magnetic pair in a little white box

Imaginative fun for one little boy

Today is Quadrille Monday (only 44 words) at d’Verse. De asked us to write about magnetism in any way we chose. I was taken back to pre-school days when my mom would carry the magnetic Tricky Dogs in her purse to entertain me at church. I loved playing with them. If you put the like poles together they would spin around and connect from opposite poles. They were great entertainment for me.

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Photo from bing images.

67 thoughts on “Scottie Dogs

  1. Never saw these before but you can bet I will keep my eye out for them at antique store browsing. A precious memory indeed and says a lot about you that you still have them ❤ Your mom was a smart lady.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. What a great memory! What wonderful treasures your Mom carried in her purse to help a lad get through a l-o-n-g church service. Okay…maybe it wasn’t that long, but I remember them seeming long!
    My mom did the same thing…little things in her purse to keep us occupied. I always enjoyed the beautiful handkerchiefs…seems like she had a different one every Sunday. After she passed, I found so many of them and shared them among us sisters and the granddaughters. 😉
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    PS…Scottie Dogs are so cute! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. LOVE the details of this and most especially
    “Carried in my mother’s purse
    with Juicy Fruit gum and a silk handkerchief”
    You’ve described my mother’s purse all those Sundays I sat with her, with my little white gloves and hat on, in church, watching the priest with his back to us talking in Latin. Boring except for the little sticks of Juicy Fruit gum (my mother’s favorite) that ultimately came out of her purse when I was really getting fidgety! LOVE it. Thanks for the memories! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Lillian! I am so glad it took you back as well. Those were wonderful times. I remember falling asleep on her lap on Sunday evenings and having to be carried to the car an put to bed when I got home! Thank you so much for sharing your story as well.


  4. Dwight, charming nostalgic poem. My mother always had a stash of gum at church for the three of us: Teaberry, Black Jack, Pepsin, and several others. She resolved to leave the little truck at home after my younger brother loudly mispronounced it as beginning with “F”! 🙂 Have a great week! Cheryl

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