Seeing Clearly

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Looking in mind’s mirror of cracked broken glass

I see myself as cracked and broken as well

Peering through hammered glass, I see

images and shapes through cataracts clouded

Looking out through tinted windows, I see

The world around me clearly // unglaring

Carrying on” as usual, as it cycles on and on

As though looking in a mirror of clear glass

reflecting my image in true perspective…

Whole // an eternal soul in an aging body

Created in the image of God!

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

29 thoughts on “Seeing Clearly

  1. Your poem brought tears to my eyes. Such a powerful poem that I can certainly relate to!

    “Whole // an eternal soul in an aging body
    Created in the image of God!”

    Brilliant and true! And no matter what we think about ourselves, or how good or bad our self-worth is, or how we are dealing with becoming well-seasoned (I don’t say old or older! 😉 )…we must let those words you wrote be our motto…”eternal soul, created in the image of God”!
    So, it’s all good! 🙂 Huge reasons to smile hugely! 🙂

    HUGS to you, Dwight, and to your dear family!!! 🙂


  2. One of my favorite images from the New Testament is seeing through a glass darkly. It’s sad, I know, though I’m drawn to the beauty and the truth of it. Here, you see through splintered glass, which seems to have the same effect. A lack of clarity. The dark glass in the Bible will clear up in eternity. In your poem, some clarity is offered now, which is hopeful. Great, thoughtful work, Dwight.

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