Bean Soup and Moon Pies

Moon Pies 2020

In Big Valley, Pennsylvania, where many of my ancestor lived, bean soup and moon pies were a favorite meal. As I recall, one group of Amish met at one of their farms for their Sunday church service. They sat on long wooden benches. When the service finally ended, a meal of bean soup and moon pies was served. Everyone ate their fill and then got in their buggies and rode on back home. The locals sometimes referred to this group as beanies!

You can still buy homemade moon pies at Peight’s store in Belleville and Mount Union. They can also be found at smaller farm stands and bakeries throughout the Valley and beyond.
I always loved moon pies, which were made from apple schnitz, or from apple butter as well. I decided to make some of them for myself over the weekend.

Making moon pies 2020

Bean soup and Moon pies;
Always a treat // a great delight
among Amish and Mennonites alike.
Home made pie dough rolled out thin;
Cut in circles to put fillng in.
Filled with apple schnitz
baked golden brown;
They’re always delicious
After bean soup slides down.


Making Moon Pies 2020 2

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Tonight at d’Verse, De Jackson asked us to write a Quadrille of exactly 44 words using the prompt fill. I made the above moon pies over the weekend and filled them with an apple butter filling. This brought back memories of Pennsylvania Moon Pies that I usually purchase every time I go back to visit relatives.

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