Christmas Memories


I started teaching in 69

Fourth and Fifth graders were just fine

As each Christmas rolled around

Small gifts on my desk I found

Ornaments for my tree

Saved throughout the years

Now my tree’s filled with memories

Of smiling faces and good cheer





Photos: Dwight L. Roth

A quadrille of 44 words today for the d’Verse Poetry Pub. De Jackson asked us to write using the word Cheer. The ornaments given to me by my students bring me cheer each Christmas as I put them on our tree.

Join us at d’Verse:

43 thoughts on “Christmas Memories

  1. What wonderful and deserving gifts of acknowledgment to you for dedicating your life to such a crucial and honorable calling. Bravo to you Dwight! Bravo!
    If the world had a lot more teachers, and if teachers got the support and respect they deserve, there would be a lot less ignorance. I blame the current disasterous dituation in our country on ignorance. Again, Bravo to you sir!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words! Support for teachers has really shifted from my beginnings. Now everyone is suspect rather than respected that you are trying to do what is best for the students. Thank you again!!


  2. What a super post, Dwight!! Thank you so much for spending your life as a teacher!! If asked, most people reply to the question – “Who is the person that most influenced your life?”, the answer is almost always a teacher!! Knowing this about you makes your writing even better, and the reason more understandable!! Bravo, My Friend!!

    Liked by 1 person

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