Dry Spells


Reverse Poetry is something I never heard of before Frank introduced it on d’Verse. It is when you take a set of lines your wrote for a poem and then turn them around and write them all backwards with perhaps with a few minor adjustments. The introductory lines of this poem were barrowed from  a cousin on Facebook. I asked her if I could use them to create a poem. I wrote this yesterday.  When Frank asked us to write a reverse poem,  I realized I could turn it around and make it work. So here is my very first reverse poem.

Dry Spell
“Sometimes, dry periods
may endure
beyond your expectations.
Other times,
it might seem
like the rain will never end.”
The cycle of life
With ups and downs
Times for questioning
Times for success
Times to remember
Times to love
Somewhere in between
Is where living takes place
Living takes place
Somewhere in between
Times to love
Times to remember
Times for questioning
With ups and downs.
The cycle of life…
Like the like rain // never ends.
It might seem
beyond your expectations.
May you endure…
Dry spells last sometimes


Photos from my dry, cracking back yard

Quoted FB lines from cousin Rosalyn and

the Washington Post’s Capitol Weather Gang!

Come join us at d’Verse:  https://dversepoets.com

63 thoughts on “Dry Spells

  1. So nicely done, Dwight, and wise words to ponder. I like the subtle change of meaning in the reverse:
    ‘Living takes place
    Somewhere in between
    Times to love
    Times to remember
    Times for questioning’.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Like your poetic use of the “dry weather” thought. I learned several years ago that certain soil types will show cracks even when mulched and shaded (under pole beans). No dry spell here. We are 3″+ over for the month and 13″ for the year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks David. I am amazed how much rain the Northeast has gotten this year. I believe our cracks are from the original landscaping in our back yard. It slopes sharply and contributes to ground shifting. We really are dry at our house. Six miles away they have been getting some regular showers.


  3. I don’t want to be too mushy and all that, but the magic of this “dry spell” has made my eyes a little wet, feeling pretty alienated just now, but this incantation has helped me today, especially:
    Living takes place
    Somewhere between
    Times to love
    Times to remember.”

    Needed this today, no wait, I mean I REALLY needed this today. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

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