

What happens when things grow foggy and you no longer know who you are? A few years ago we were in Wal-Mart when I noticed a man who seemed lost and confused. Not only that, but he was obviously not in control of himself. He kept wandering back and forth through the lines. It was so very sad to see this man who was so out of touch with reality. This is my account of that incident.

Losing Touch …The Point of No Return

He was wondering across the checkout lanes
At the local Super Walmart
With a look of concern on his face
As he looked across the carts

He was unaware of his condition.
His pants were soaked and soiled
His only concern was to find his wife…
And surely she would come through soon

As I watched him move from lane to lane
My heart went out to this man
Who seemed not to know the state he was in
But had only one plan

I asked him if I could be of help
He said he didn’t think so
She would be coming through very soon.
And he wandered on down the row

I went to find a manager
Who could help him find his wife
But when we returned he had vanished
He was nowhere in sight

I still think about the old man not much older than myself
And wonder if he found her
And what it must be like
Not to know who you are

I cried many tears as I recalled
The empty look, the lack of concern
Unaware of the condition he was in
And for the mind that had grown dim

I wonder if I too will reach
That point of no return
The place where my only concern will be
Just to find the one I love


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

29 thoughts on “Lost

  1. Such a wonderful post! It was so great of you to take notice and try and be of help! I think you are so right, at least for me, this is one of the scariest things. To have your mind go. Both my parents ended up like that, not a good outlook for me??? Thanks again!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So sad. My friend’s husband took the car and was lost for 24 hours before he ran out of gas and was found by Mexican police near Colima. He thought he was driving home to the states. I’ve written quite a bit on this subject of Alzheimer’s because of experiences with my sister. So sad, so sad. Thanks for recounting your experience.

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  3. But the beautiful thing about this is that love will not die….it is the most important. I took care of a lady with severe Alzheimer’s…she needed 24 hour care but she could tell me one detail after the next about how she met her husband.

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  4. Heartfelt, Dwight. I, too, wonder if I would someday reach “that point of no return.” What makes your story even more tragic is that he may have forgotten that his wife had already passed away. What devoted wife would leave her husband of so many years to wander the aisles alone in such a state?

    Liked by 2 people

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