

My mother had a large bed of peonies in our back yard when I was growing up. I remember the many blooms and sweet smell they produced. Now when I see peonies, it reminds me of that bed and of my Mom. Frank Tassone gave us peonies as our prompt for Haikai Saturday. This is my Tanka.


Long stemmed pregnant buds

Purple petals bursting forth

Spring peonies shine

One of Mom’s favorite blooms

Always reminds me of her


Photo: Bing image

Written for Frank Tassone’s  Haikia Saturday. This is a tanka about my mother’s flowers.

#Haikai Challenge #36 (6/2/18): Peony (botan) #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga

35 thoughts on “Peonies

  1. Nature to see and smell brings us wonderful memories. Most of my smells of memory are of food 🙂
    While I never saw them… my one grandfather in his later years grew roses. So I think of him when I see roses… even though he died days before I was born.

    (Second story verse is up – a Greek twist) ~Jules

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My mother grew peonies, too. I planted some in my garden/yard but they are the flat, single petals, not the bunchy and full ones you show. I hope my kids remember me growing SOME kind of flower!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: #Haikai Challenge #37 (6/19/18): Fifa World Cup #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga – Frank J. Tassone

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