Web of Death


Traveling today on Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina I came across this beautiful web soaked in the dew of a heavy overhanging fog. Its amazing engineering is breathtaking, as it reflected in the water drops shimmering in the morning light. Amazing something so beautiful can be a web of death.  Much like the rest of our life. The things that shimmer and shine sometimes bring our demise!

Web of Death

In her dark tunnel she hides

Lying in wait for the blazing sun

Dew drops clinging to her web

Breathing quietly with the patience of Job

Knowing lunch comes as soft breezes will blow

Her web of death for unwitting insects

Entangled in her shimmering threads

Thin as fiber optics strong as steel

Once entangled they are her next meal


From her tunnel of darkness she emerges

Like a horror on the fun-house ride

A venomous bite and it’s all over

Then she’s back inside


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