The Oil of Gladness


The first time I recall hearing the term oil of gladness was when I was a child in church. It is a term used in the Psalms and in the KJV* that means an ongoing  outflowing of joy, happiness, and blessing in ones life.  I love the term because it is oil that lubricates, reduces friction, and keeps things running smoothly. I believe it is the joy and happiness in a person’s life that is the oil of gladness that blesses others and draws them into relationship with each other.

The Oil of Gladness

Ever try celebrating when no one cares?

A big event a great surprise

Yet no one seems phased

Inside you are jumping up and down

Outside you are sliding on a splintered board

Surrounded by arthritic emotions

The oil of gladness

A necessary part of healthy living

Sharing joy with those who rejoice

Finding happiness in well-earned success

The oil of gladness

Celebrating with the child who comes in second

Eating over-baked cookies with a smile

Finding joy in the little things of life


The oil of gladness

Makes every day run smoother

Seals relationships with a lasting bond

Love begins and ends

With the oil of gladness


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions. NKJV

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